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02 Feb 2022

Getting the Most Out of Your BIM Investment

Getting the Most Out of Your BIM Investment

Building information modeling (BIM) systems take distinct pieces of data and contextualize them in terms of where and how that data interacts with the location of the building. These tools act as a vehicle to organize the wealth of information that's available about the infrastructure that you, as facility management personnel, operate in. BIM systems can facilitate fabrication, coordination, and quality, representing reality in a digital view. BIM is a great investment, especially when you optimize this powerful tool correctly. Here, we'll show you how. 

Enhance Readiness on Day One 

Properly utilized, a BIM system can equip facilities managers for full readiness on day one. Historically, design and construction teams had to print binders and make copies of drawings which took up valuable time and delayed the communication of this information to the management team. BIM systems eliminate the lag time and enable facility managers to have all of the essential information at their fingertips the day they cut the ribbon on the building. 

Streamlining the process of mapping out the facility and asset data management frees up time for facility managers to focus on other essential tasks within a new building. These professionals now have time to focus more of their efforts on organizational alignment and protocols, onboarding, training, and more. 

Make More Informed Decisions 

BIM systems can eliminate redundancy by providing essential functionality from design and installation through to facility management. An accurate BIM model equips facility management personnel to make more informed decisions because they're able to investigate with confidence knowing that accurate, detailed data is sitting at their fingertips. These informed decisions will in turn lead to enhanced workflows as opposed to one-off solutions that only provide a temporary fix and ultimately lead to more downtime in the future. 

When BIM is used for fabrication, it facilitates an enhanced workflow for maintenance and repair projects in the future. Properly used, the BIM tool will document the exact location and installation of all the essential features of the building. This means that maintenance and repair professionals will have accurate data instantly available when it's time to complete a job, and they will never have to waste time orienting themselves around installations that weren't on their drawings. 

Enhance Safety 

Accurate data is crucial for safety planning. BIM systems offer a wealth of information that can help improve worker safety. In a three-dimensional BIM environment, you can easily see how high things are off the ground, how close equipment is to walls, and which items might be energized or hot. This information makes it easier for facility management professionals to identify the safest and most efficient way to get above a ceiling, below a floor, or into a confined space. In this way, you can ultimately deliver safer outcomes. 

Boost Productivity 

Providing the right data in advance of a job makes it possible to perform repairs on the first visit. This is crucial for efficiency, as a work ticket may send that individual to another building or campus. The time spent in travel and transportation is lost if the first visit only reveals that the team member doesn't have the right tools for the job. 

BIM systems allow these professionals to perform a virtual investigation before traveling to the worksite. This cuts the anticipated workflow in half and reduces the repair job to one visit instead of two. With the BIM system, your teammates can anticipate everything they will need to do to prepare for the job, from choosing the right size ladder to communicating with the department in advance about relocating furniture or equipment. This planning phase ultimately leads to less interruption, damage, and downtime. 

We can help you implement a comprehensive BIM system for your facility and dramatically change the way you handle your building. Through VueOps, we have the features and functionality you need to boost efficiency, safety, and more. 

Learn how to more efficiently manage your building assets. (2)