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27 Feb 2024

Unlock Success: Navigate a Facility Operations Digital Transformation

Unlock Success: Navigate a Facility Operations Digital Transformation

In today's evolving facility and operations management landscape, the integration of digital technologies to increase the efficiency of daily FM tasks that positively impact the bottom line is not just a choice but a necessity. Yet, amidst the promise of innovation, many teams encounter roadblocks that impede progress to a digital transformation. We’ve crafted six pivotal discussion points to illuminate a way forward, inspired by VueOps® client insights and strategies that helped them navigate and overcome common obstacles.

1. Enhanced Data Accessibility:

  • Breaking Data Silos: Imagine a seamlessly connected Digital Plan Room where critical facility information and data flow freely, readily accessible at your fingertips wherever you are.
  • Comprehensive Data Sets: Think of it as having all the puzzle pieces neatly laid out before you. With accurate facility asset information, you and your facility management team have the tools for quick and informed decision-making, empowering you to drive efficiency and productivity.

2. Maximize Resources:

  • Strategic Budgeting: Every penny counts! When resources are limited, an FM digital transformation is an opportunity to prioritize investments wisely, ensuring that data-driven solutions deliver maximum value within budget constraints.
  • Talent Optimization: While facing FM personnel shortages, you can focus on empowering existing staff, fostering skill development, and leveraging collaboration to effectively tackle tasks and drive results.

3. Embracing Technological Advancements:

  • Modernizing Systems: Picture stepping into the future with cutting-edge technology. Outdated systems (or multiple systems) may pose a challenge. Upgrading to or adding a solution like VueOps SiteLine℠ opens doors to seamless integration with advanced search capabilities to efficiently investigate data, documents, drawings, and models to solve any problem quickly.
  • Streamlining Integration: While integration challenges may arise, embracing the idea that you can keep all your facility’s information in one place – schedules, submittals, O&M manuals, models, photos, videos, and more, ensures a smoother transition to data-driven operations.

4. Welcoming Change Opportunities:

  • Nurturing a Culture of Adaptability: Embrace the excitement of change! By fostering an environment where facility management teams are eager to view asset models and serial numbers and where to order them all in one place (instead of searching through a bunch of binders), you pave the way for a seamless transition.
  • Cultivating Awareness: It's all about shedding light on the possibilities! Sometimes, it's just a matter of opening eyes to the potential benefits of tools to investigate and solve problems quickly. With VueOps SiteLine, your FM team can streamline investigations, and view building systems (not just assets), documents, drawings, and models related to any asset immediately.

5. Take Advantage of a New Build:

  • Ensure Your Facility is Running Optimally on Day 1 of Operations: By making proactive and strategic decisions early in a new construction process and adding a tool like SiteLine, you and your team can bridge the gap between design and construction, and operations. Because it can take up to 18 months to get a facility up and running after building completion, with SiteLine, you will be able to search your turnover documents, FM data for assets, locations, and warranty information from Day One.

6. Crafting a Strong Strategy:

  • Ambiguous Objectives: Picture embarking on a journey without a destination. To navigate data endeavors effectively, facility management teams need a clear roadmap in the form of a well-defined strategy to solve alerts and issues effectively and quickly.
  • Insufficient Training: Ever attempted a DIY project without guidance? Just as assembling furniture requires instructions, all FM teams can benefit from streamlined training. Ideally, the utilization of a virtual investigation tool like SiteLine can help keep facility occupants safe, manage building changes and digital as-builts, and virtually investigate facility issues through 2D and 3D Models.

How do we overcome these challenges? By embracing technology that transforms the way facility managers and facility management teams work, we cultivate a data-driven culture, simplify workflows, and operate facilities more efficiently. Once we conquer these common obstacles to a digital transformation, FM teams can make more informed decisions to solve challenges today and in the future. Let's dismantle those barriers and kickstart the data revolution!

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